When the kids say: "I'm boooooooorrrrrrred!"

As we head into the summer months, it's always good to have some activities on hand for when the kids get bored. The best part is, these simple activities can be done with things you already have around the house! 

Tip:  Write these out the beforehand and place them in a jar for kids to visit whenever the summer boredom kicks in!

1. Build your own pizza with a parent or sibling. The pizza can be sweet or savory.

2. Create a dramatic scene on the floor using blankets, towels and other items you can find at home.

3. Draw a comic strip of a day in your future life. What kind of house do you live in? What do you do in the morning, afternoon and evening?

4. Find your favorite toy and draw it as best you can

5. Write a poem called "MY BEST DAY EVER" and write about what your most awesome day would include.

6. Turn on some music and dance!

7. Create a secret handshake with a sibling or parent.

8. Create a story board using images you draw on sticky notes. Then, arrange them in any order you like and rearrange them to tell different stories!

9. Create a 3D object using only paper and tape.

10. Dream up a funny character you can become for the afternoon. What would this character wear? How do they act? Make up a name for yourself!

And, of course... a GREAT way to beat summer boredom is to gift your child one of our feature products for hours of fun, creativity and self-esteem building activities!